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Approved projects: Capacity projects in programme Sustainability and capacity

About project

  • Executer: European Association "World-Our Home"
  • Project title: Capacity building for the development of EA "World-Our Home"
  • Period: 2022-07-01 - 2023-11-30
  • Regions of execution: Latgale
  • Project budget: 19 353.50 EUR
  • Project status: Closed
  • Cooperation partners from donor countries: Creatorium
  • Project contact person: Natālija Covvo, e-mail:, +37129433012

Project "Capacity Building for the Development of "EA World-Our Home" aims to develop and set up organization's strategic activity, as well as to increase the capacity of the organization's employees and members by acquiring new knowledge, practice and experience. The project will last 17 months from 01.07.2022.- 31.11.2023. During this period EA WOH will implement a variety of activities to strengthen the organization’s capacity, enhance visibility and strengthen knowledge and ability of the organization’s employees to develop the organization’s goals.
During the project the resources attracted during the years will be used effectively, as well the activities of the organization will be strengthened, promoting the development of civil society. The target groups of the project are EA WOH employees, members, volunteers.
As a result of the project, 3 jobs will be provided for the project manager, coordinator and accountant, the attraction of the organization's human resources will be facilitated, EA WOH employees will be trained so that they have the necessary skills and knowledge for the organization’s development, its visibility and cooperation with other organizations. During this project the work will be done on advertising and promotion of EA WOH, as well as an experience study trip to Norway will be organized in order to develop international co-operation with Nordic organizations and promote joint projects in the future. The development of organization's economic activities will be promoted by obtaining a camp leader's certificate and organizing local and international youth camps in the future. Project activities will involve both the staff of the organization, its members and volunteers. During the project the publicity and visibility of the project will be promoted by organizing publicity events.
The objectives of the project and planned activities will make a significant contribution to the capacity building, visibility and development of the organization.



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