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Sustainability and capacity

Sustainability and capacity

The objective of the program: enhanced sustainability and capacity of civil society in Latvia

Total amount for the program: 2 020 000 EUR

Expected program results:

  • Number of CSOs that increased the share of non-grant funding in their total income has grown.
  • Number of CSOs that regularly disseminate information on their activities and results to the wider public has raised.
  • Number of CSOs using an M&E system for their work has increased.



  1. Capacity building – education, acquisition and strengthening of skills and competences, human resources development and attraction at the level of organizations and individuals, including assessment of organizational capacity building needs and preparing action plans.
  2. Cooperation between CSOs – support to organizations participation in regional, national, or international CSO networks, support for CSO platforms and networks, for experience sharing and networking events.
  3. Facilitation of financial sustainability of CSOs – fundraising campaigns and activities.


THE PROGRAM FUNDING WILL BE GRANTED to the following projects:

  • Capacity projects – for activities that focus on strengthening, cooperation and networking of civil society organizations, informal civil society groups, and active individuals; as well as on the development of financial sustainability of organizations.
  • Two calls for proposals: in 2020 and 2021
  • Project duration: 6-24 months
  • Grant amount per project: 6 000 – 20 000 EUR. *With a possibility to receive additional points at the selection process if the project involves cooperation with an organization in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway. For information on collaborative support, see here.
  • Civic Competences Academy “Democracy academy” – in 2021/2022, in all five regions (Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme, Latgale, Riga & Riga Region) of Latvia, the 8-months training course in civic competences will be organized. It will be available in three different courses divided by participant category and experience in civic activities: (1) new or young activists, (2) existing CSO leaders and (3) officials. The training will take place on average once a month – a full day, including face-to-face and online lessons, workshops for case studies, networking, experience exchange, etc. For existing CSO leaders, mentor support will be provided. The Academy will be coordinated by the Latvian Rural Forum in cooperation with Dienvidlatgale NGO Support Centre (in Latgale), Kurzeme NGO Centre (in Kurzeme), Civic Alliance Latvia (in Riga), Valmiera Region Community Foundation (in Vidzeme), Zemgale NGO Support Centre (in Zemgale).


Approved projects

1 National Youth Council of Latvia LJP 4.0 Closed
2 Foundation "" Improvement of the website „Palīdzē” to strengthen its capacity Closed
3 Latvian 4-H ReStart! Closed
4 ''Coast of Perse'' STEP UP! Closed
5 "Partneriba "Daugavkrasts"" The enabling of Partnership Daugavkrasts capacity for new function development Closed
6 Society "Not left alone" Building the capacity of "Nepaliec viens" society's structural units Closed
7 Imants Ziedonis Foundation "Viegli" Capacity building of Imants Ziedonis Foundation "Viegli" Closed
8 Latvian 4-H See?! Closed
9 Pieriga partnership Improve the quality and growth of the Pieriga Partnership's activities in 3 steps Closed
10 "For the development of Mezinieki neighborhood" Strengthening the capacity of the association for the transition to a new stage of development Closed
11 Society "Baltic HIV Association" Promoting the financial sustainability of the association Closed
12 Smārde senior association "Sarma" Strengthening the capacity of Smarde senior society "Sarma" Closed
13 Society "Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS" Capacity building for Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS Closed
14 Establishment Center Dardedze Along with time Closed
15 MARTA Centre Liepaja Foundation Capacity building of MARTA Centre Liepaja Foundation Closed
16 Riga German Cultural Society Give to Development = Develop by Giving! Closed
17 Society "Create the Environment Yourself" Create "Create Environment Yourself" Yourself Closed
19 Society "Kuldiga Senior Citizen School" Dare, get involved Closed
20 Society "Piekrastes Konvents" Promotion of volunteering Closed
21 Foundation Hospiss LV Development of mobile application for volunteers coordination Closed
22 “Children’s Hospital Foundation” Promoting Financial Independence and Recognition of the Parents’ House Closed
23 Charity "Wonderhouse" Charity "Brinummaja" (WonderHouse) capacity enhancement project "Springboard" Closed
24 NGO For Smitene and Latvia Active, knowing and recognizable in Smiltene region Closed
25 Y`S Men club Cesis Skills for everyday life and society Closed
26 Association of LGBT and their friends "Mozaika" Growth of Mozaika Closed
27 “Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia” (SEAL) SEAL as a stronger ecosystem leader Closed
28 Latvian Society of the Blind Communication - The Key to Success! Closed
29 Latvian Blind Sport Union Strengthening activities and capacity of the Latvian Blind Sports Union Closed
30 Rucka Art Foundation Capacity Building of Rucka Art Foundation Closed
31 Development Society of Ogre OAB ok (OAB organization capacity) Closed
32 SATEKA Own support for the development of the Territory and of effective Community! Closed
33 Latvian National Association for Consumer Protection Capacity building in testing of consumer products Closed
34 „Foundation – Bridge of Chances” Deliberate Strengthening of the Foundation “Bridge of Opportunities” Closed
35 NEW EAST NGO "New East" capacity building project Closed
36 Angels with us Step forward Closed
37 Latvian Red Cross Raising the capacity and sustainability of the Latvian Red Cross Youth at the national level Closed
38 Latvian Red Cross Capacity building of LatRC Latgale Committee Closed
39 LgSC Strengthening the capacity of the NGO “LgSC” Closed
40 Vidusdaugavas NGO Center Improving activity of the Vidusdaugava NGO Center Closed
41 Development Agency "We&You" Strengthening the capacity of the Development Agency “We&You” to activate the civiс society Closed
42 NGO "Jaunvide" Making a step forward Closed
43 Education Development Center (EDC) Education Development Center (EDC) participation on strengthening the civic society of Latvia Closed
44 Latvian Fund for Nature Building the fundraising capacity of the Latvian Fund for Nature Closed
45 Union of Latvian Large Families Associations (ULLFA) TIME FOR GROWTH! Closed
46 Bulduri, Bulluciems and Lielupe Development Society Stronger and target-oriented Bulluciems community for inclusive Jurmala Closed
47 Cancer Patiens Association "Tree of Life" Development of the safety network for oncological patients Closed
48 "Tech Education and Innovation school" Closed
49 Latvian Alliance of Rare Diseases Strengthening of Latvian Network of Patient Organizations (LPOT) Closed
50 New Door Boosting of sustainable development for the "New Door" association Closed
51 Children and Youth Para Sports Association CAPACITY INCUBATOR Closed
52 We Own the World Next level Closed
53 Latvian Child Welfare Network Strong and professionally managed Network for effective protection of children's interests in Latvia Closed
54 Organization Strengthening the capacity of the organisation - creating of awareness and reliability Closed
55 "Zero Waste Latvija" "Library of things" - consumer movement from goods to services Closed
56 ideA Resonance of ideas Closed
57 Cultural Heritage site of Burtnieki Development Strategy for the Cultural Heritage site of Burtnieki Closed
58 Pieriga partnership Strengthening the Capacity of Pieriga Partnership for Effective Civic Engagement Closed
59 "Partneriba Daugavkrasts" Development of NGO cooperation platform in the region Closed
60 Transparency International Latvia Capacity Building of TI Latvia Closed
61 Society For Development of Jaunolaine We as a focused, cohesive and visible organisation Closed
62 Free Waterfront Innovative digital participation hub and evolutionary charge for a leader of waterfront communities Closed
63 Bauska Old Town Society Bauska Old Town community tête-à-tête Closed
64 Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation LAPAS sustainability empowerment Closed
65 LAG “Rural Partnership Sēlija” Improvement and strengthening of the activities of the Local Action Group "Rural Partnership Selija” Closed
66 Organisation "City for People" Association "City for People" communicates and shows Closed
67 Foundation 2x2 2x2 Foundation Capacity Building Closed
68 Right here and together Association HERE AND TOGETHER at the next level Closed
69 FREE RIGA Free Riga transformation Closed
70 YOUTH SOCIETY OF KOKNESE The Kick-off for the Youth Society of Koknese Closed
71 Valmiermuiža Association of Culture Building capacity of Valmiermuiža Association of Culture Closed
72 Aglona Association "Forget-me-not" Strengthening the capacity of the Aglona association "Forget-me-not" Closed
73 European Association "World-Our Home" Capacity building for the development of EA "World-Our Home" Closed
74 Vidusdaugavas NGO Center Development of digital capabilities of "Vidusdaugava NGO Center" Closed
75 Daugavpils University Lifelong Learning, Culture, and Science Communication Society “Intelekta parks” KAPITĀLS - Capacity for Development and Further (Co-)operation Closed
76 association Vītolēni Let's think - Let's do! Closed
77 Creative Minds for Culture CMC: The Next Level Closed
78 Development and Innovation Training Centre Strengthening the capacity of the Association "Development and Innovation Training Center" Closed
79 Vidzeme Rural partnership "Brasla" Vidzeme Rural partnership "Brasla" capacity building Closed
80 "Safe Space" Strengthening the financial sustainability and income diversification of Safe Space Closed
81 r.a. "Siltumnīca" Sustainable development promotion of the association "r.a. "Siltumnīca"" Closed
82 Ogre Youth Initiative Association "TALANTU KALVE" START UP 1.0 Closed
83 Children’s Hospital Foundation Promoting the sustainable development of the Children's Hospital Foundation. Closed
84 Foundation "Science and innovation park" Capacity building for the foundation "Science and innovation park" Closed
85 Development platform YOU+ YOU+ 4.0. Closed
86 FEE LATVIA FEE Latvia strengthening workability for communication with society Closed
87 For well-being Strengthening the capacity of association "For Well-being" Closed
88 Latvia Corporate Social Responsibility platform Improving communication and strengthening the image of NGO in society and differentiating financing Closed
89 Business Association of North Kurzeme Capable of More! Closed
90 MOT Latvija Growth of the capacity of "MOT Latvia" Closed
91 Latvian Rural Forum Academy of Democracy Closed
92 Culture Association „Alternative Reality” A step to the future Closed
94 Youth for Smile SUSTAINable Closed
95 Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation Strengthening the capacity of the Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation to operate internationally Closed



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