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Approved projects: Capacity projects in programme Sustainability and capacity

About project

  • Executer: MOT Latvija
  • Project title: Growth of the capacity of "MOT Latvia"
  • Period: 2022-06-01 - 2023-12-31
  • Regions of execution: Kurzeme
  • Project budget: 19 998.50 EUR
  • Project status: Closed
  • Cooperation partners from donor countries: MOT Foundation
  • Project contact person: Ilze Paidere-Staķe, e-mail:, phone: +371 26101362
  • Project website:

Project “Growth of the capacity of "MOT Latvia"” is an important step in the development of the association, long-term capacity building and implementation of the MOT program in latvian schools. The project activities will provide significant support to the organization both for the development of the brand in a new higher quality, and for the involvement, motivation and strengthening of the sense of belonging of the volunteers. In the project is involved partner from Norway – NGO “MOT Foundation”.

Purpose of the project: strengthening the capacity of the association “MOT Latvija” to promote the visibility of the MOT movement for civil society activities in a sustainable period.

Planned activities:
• NGO “MOT Latvija” brand promoting, promoting its activities, including on social networks, through the production of videos, which would reveal a message about MOT values in an interesting, youth-friendly way, the uniqueness of the MOT movement, the ability to excite active citizens with common values;
• trainings will be organized in the project to increase the competencies and skills of human resources - raising funding in the form of donations, communication, NGO brand promotion through different channels, volunteer work;
• organizing an MOT ANNUAL environment event to motivate volunteers;
• exchange of experience and training of MOT Latvija volunteer board members in Trondheim, Norway.

The set of all the activities described previously would ensure the growth of the operational capacity of MOT Latvia as well as the sustainability of MOT programme’s presence in Latvian schools, involving more and more citizens to be active in building warmer society and spreding universal human values - courage to live, care and say no.



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