ACF approves two initiatives to strengthen cooperation with organisations from donor countries

In order to help strengthen partnerships with donor country partners in the existing ACF Strategic and Capacity Projects, the ACF announced – within the framework of the "Bilateral and Regional Cooperation" programme – a closed call for bilateral initiatives that provide added value to the achievement of the project's goal and strengthen mutual trust and exchange of knowledge between the organizations involved in the existing partnership. Two initiatived have been submitted and both have received support in this round of assessment:
Supported initiatives:
- association “Vidusdaugavas NGO Center”, initiative “Divpusējās sadarbības pilotēšana online izsoles organizēšanā”, grant amount: 4999.42 euro;
- association “Latvian 4-H”, initiative “Jaunieši ceļā!”, grant amount: 7000.00 euro.
The supported initiatives aim to strengthen existing partnerships with organisations from Norway and Iceland.
The initiative of the “Vidusdaugavas NGO Center” will complement the organisation's ongoing ACF Capacity project, and during the initiative the organisation will develop an online shop solution that can be used, among other things, to organise online auctions. The Icelandic partner organisation will provide advice on setting up an online shop and will share experience on citizens' shopping and donation habits in Iceland and will be responsible for attracting the Icelandic auction participants.
Within initiative of “Latvian 4-H” there will be an exchange of experience with Norway. The visit will include several meetings with Norwegian youth organisations to share experience on the implementation of youth initiatives and youth involvement in civic activities, as well as meetings with the local government, discussing youth work planning and development issues, youth cooperation with municipalities, youth initiative support opportunities and other issues relevant to youth field. This initiative complements the ACF Strategic project implemented by the organization.
ACF reminds that changes have been made to the closed competition rules for bilateral initiatives, providing that all ACF Capacity and Strategic project beneficiaries can participate in this call, also those implementing projects that have so far not been a donor partner.
Bilateral initiatives may be submitted at any time and their qualitative assessment shall take place every four months. The next evaluation will be started on 02.12.2022. Where necessary, the ACF Board may decide to start a qualitative assessment sooner than the scheduled regular deadline.
More detailed information has been sent to supported ACF project promoters in the ACF project system